44 Ways to Radiate Anew


44 Ways to Radiate Anew!!

Hydrate Drink H20

Nap-Radiant Rest

Veg out-guzzle greens


Take the road less traveled/go somewhere new

Unplug/screen free time

Pen/write life bucket list

Go on a retreat

Thank someone

Sing the songs you loved as a kid


Repeat-I am incredible. I am incredible. I am incredible. Believe it. You are. And so it is.

Create something

Write a letter to the Radiant Renegade inside you

Release 3 things that no longer make you smile/shine

View an inspirational film

And/or warm fuzzy funny movies

Sun and/or moon gazing

Create a vision board

Quit the complaining & comparing life

Rubberband technique

Dabble in a new hobby

Pet a pooch

Fall Madly in Love with You

Create a paper altar

Breathe. Repeat

Seek out a totem animal

Sky/cloud gaze

Create sacred/quiet spaces/places

Give yourself a superhero name or villain alter ego

Savor the moonlight (sleep outside, curtains open)

Write a “Let go of list”-burn it

Write letters. Embellish mail. Stickers & glitter rock!

Dress up

Make a new friend-online or in{RL}

Make simple special

Whip up a raw dessert

Read some SARK

Read Eat, Pray, Love

Clean & Simplify your space to let in magic!

Practice Gratitude Journal Template

Move Mindfully (w/breathe)

Choose joy 1 & 2

Radiate in the Knowing

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